Friday, February 20, 2015

At Last, Decorative Rain Gutters

Gutters. Can you imagine anything more... plain... on a roof than a gutter? Buildings have fancy water faucets, fancy doors, fancy windows, and then there's your plain, average gutter system. Someone really should do something about that, shouldn't they?

So naturally, people have. Here's a few examples of some decorative gutters from around the web. As always when it comes to your gutters, if you would like us to inspect, repair, install, or even replace your gutters with something fancy, just give us a call at (805) 267-6745 and we'll hook you up (every pun intended).

We like seahorses, yes we do. Actually we don't know too many people who don't.

Someone obviously put a lot of effort into this clever adaptation.

Well, that's one way to direct rainwater....

This was the first image we ran across, and it's our favorite.

Randy's Rain Gutters (805) 267-6745


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Have You Considered Rain Chains?

Rain chains (literally "chain-gutter" in Japanese) are an avant garde
alternative to downspouts. They are widely used in Japan and their purpose is to take a common necessity and make it decorative, in other words, to make a water feature out of the rainwater from the gutter to a drain or to a rain barrel.
Rain chains are typically either a series of metal cups that are chained together with a hole in the bottom of each, or vertical chain links. Rain water runs through the gutters and rather than going down the downspout, it goes downward through the rain chain which not only is beautiful, but they can also turn gutter system downspouts into an environmentally friendly water runoff management system reducing soil erosion and water pollution.

Rain Chains by Randy's Rain GuttersThough traditionally made from copper, there is a variety of materials, cup styles, and artistically crafted link styles to choose from. There will always be one to suit your taste and your home architecture. Rain gutter chains are a functional and elegant replacement for conventional downspouts. By replacing your unattractive downspout with a skillfully-crafted rain chain downspout, which looks like a piece of art, it can become a focal point of your home.

The sound of cascading rain water is pleasing to the senses and creates a sense of tranquility. Randy's Rain Gutters can install your rain chains and for the ultimate in water savings, we can have your rain chain drain into your rain barrel.

Contact Randy's Rain Gutters today to find out how we can help you.
Ph.: (805) 267-6745
